Safeguarding - Our priority
Welcome to safeguarding at Pedmore
As a school we are fully committed to safeguarding our
students and we aim to create a culture of vigilance in the
The staff at Pedmore are all aware that safeguarding the
students is everyone’s responsibility and that we always
work in the best interests of the child. Staff training takes
place annually, with staff updates ensuring that everyone is
alert to the issues of high national priority, such as
Child Sexual/Criminal Exploitation, Online Safety,
Children Missing in Education, FGM and the Prevent Strategy.
Staff are made aware that the key message in their role is to recognise that ‘It Could Happen Here’ and they are made aware and reminded of the protocols to follow should they have a concern about a child’s safety or well-being.
The school takes the well -being of the students very seriously. Where relevant, the school works closely with outside agencies, and recognises the school has a vital role to play in aiming to ensure that vulnerable young people are appropriately supported.
We have a strong pastoral system and five members of staff fully trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads. The Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Head, SENCO and Inclusion manager are all trained to ensure that there is always someone available to respond to concerns.
The designated safeguarding team can be contacted via email
Designated Safeguard Lead – Mr A.Fisher
All can be contacted via school 01384 686711
We provide students education on specific topics through our PSHE programme such as Online safety, The Prevent Duty and Sexual Harassment and Violence.
Students are encouraged to be aware of and adopt British Values, to respect themselves and each other, and to keep themselves and each other safe, including online.
These ‘values and themes’ underpin our assembly and tutor programme, and are embedded in our Personal Development Curriculum.
Safeguarding Policy
Our safeguarding policy sets out how we safeguard students and staff.
Useful contact numbers
If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a child out of school hours / during holidays please contact Dudley Children Services: 0300 555 0050
If you have safeguarding concern regarding a child during the school day please contact the School Safeguarding line: 01384 686711
We also pride ourselves on identifying the increase in mental health concerns and issues. Our mental health strategy identifies the support we offer for students, parents and staff.
Domestic abuse
For help and support call Dudley safe and sound on 01384 455411, text or Whatsapp 07384466181.
In an emergency dial 999, if to dangerous to talk press 55 when connected to an operator.
If you believe a child is a victim of domestic abuse please call 03005550050

🔗Safeguarding Policy

Useful Links
🔗The Prevent Duty - Dudley Safe & Sound
🔗Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003
🔗Child Sexual Exploitation – Definition and Guide for Practitioners
🔗Working together to safeguard children
🔗What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused
🔗Keeping children safe in education
🔗What’s the problem? – A guide for parents of young people who have got in trouble online
Has someone done something online that has made you or a child or young person you know, feel worried or unsafe? Make a report to one of CEOP’s experienced Child Protection Advisors
🔗Keeping Children Safe in Education