Structure of Governance
The Trust has established a clear organisational structure with identified lines of accountability and reporting for all of its operations. This includes defining the responsibilities of the Trust Board and those responsibilities delegated to its committees and officers within the Trust. The diagram below sets out the governance structure of Invictus Education Trust and its committees:

The effective operation of each school is supported by an Academy Committee (AC). The remit and terms of reference are established by the Trust Board. The constitution of each Academy Committee is:
Two parent associate governors elected by parents
Two staff associate governors (1 x teaching and 1 x support) elected by staff
The school Headteacher
Up to five associate governors appointed by the Trust Board on the recommendation of the Academy Committee
All associate governors will be appointed or elected for a four-year term of office with the exception of the Headteacher who is appointed automatically on an ex-officio basis.
Academy Committee Membership
Register of Interests

Meeting Attendance 2022/23