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Careers Information, Advice & Guidance


The overriding objective of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at Pedmore High School is to develop the skills, attitudes and abilities of our students to enable them to make effective decisions about their future education, training, employment and life as an adult member of society. This Careers Strategy is to ensure that the CEIAG offer provides learners with high quality opportunities to prepare learners for the next stage and transition in to positive destinations and long-term healthy career success. At Pedmore we will:

  • Continuously review the impact of our CEIAG.

  • Increase careers advice and guidance to be an integral part of the schools offer.

  • Strengthen strategic partnerships with employers and further and higher education institutions and apprenticeship providers

  • Ensure that the Gatsby Benchmarks are fully embedded in our CEIAG Programme.

the careers programme is delivered throughout the year via tutor time; weekly lessons of PSHE; through subject specific curriculum; external visitors; off site trips and many more opportunities.  Each student has access to Unifrog which is a one stop shop of resources to help guide students through the different career pathways and opportunities available to them. The particular focus for Year 8 students is matching their interests and personality to different career choices. Information is key and knowing the possible options available are important.  

Pedmore High School Careers Fayre 2022


We will be hosting our  Careers Fayre at Pedmore High School during the school day on Wednesday 16th November 2022. This was open to all year groups to find information from different providers. We also hosted  a Careers Fayre during the evening of Wednesday 23rd November 2023 for students and parents from years 9, 10, 11 and 6th form.   They were given a talk about the different post-16 routes and then had a chance to discuss possible career choices with  the following providers:

  • Invictus 6th Form

  • Nova Training

  • Juniper Training

  • ASK Apprenticeships

  • Work Pays

  • Halesowen College

  • Dudley College

  • Newman University

  • Wolverhampton University

  • LEMA Engineering

  • Aston University

  • plus many more


For further information on our careers programme contact the Careers Lead, Miss Papadopoullos (Deputy Headteacher) on: or call the school on: 01384 686711

Year 10 Work Experience

Work Experience dates for 2023 have been set as the week beginning Monday 8th May 2023.  If you have any questions please contact the Work Experience Co-ordinator Mrs Guidotti on:

Useful Links: 


Learning From Career and Labour Market Information

All students and parents should have access to high-quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. Click here to have the most up to date information:










​A team at GoCompare have put together a report that reveals the riskiest jobs in the UK, seeing how dangerous each industry is and how much it costs the business. They have analysed average salaries across the UK to find out how much you can earn if you choose to work in one of the top five riskiest professions.


Virgin Media

Virgin Media, have put together the definitions of technical internet language to help you traverse the wonderful world of telecoms, broadband and connectivity. 

Click here to easily search for a specific term: 

Interested in joining the military?

Military Aptitude Tests offers in-depth explanations of the armed forces aptitude tests, as well as free sample tests designed specifically to prepare candidates- including verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, situational judgement, and more. Their site also includes employer-specific tests from the RAF, British Army, and Royal Navy.


Click here for more information: 

See below for each year's Careers Programme

Year 7


Year 10 


Year 8 


Year 11


Year 9 


Information on Careers

Pedmore High School, Grange Lane, Pedmore, Stourbridge, West Midlands



Tel: 01384 686711


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©2023 by Invictus Education Trust

A Member of Invictus Education Trust

Registered address: Invictus Headquarters, Kinver High School, Enville Road, Kinver, South Staffs, England DY7 6AA.

 A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales  (company number: 09284368)

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