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School Life
The school’s vision sums up our commitment to the core values of equality and respect for all. At Pedmore we promote British values in a variety of ways. These values are taught explicitly through our PSHE & Humanities. We also deliver a themed British Value Cross Curriculum day, where each curriculum area plan activities based around British Values and their respective subjects.
The examples that follow are an indication of some of the ways we embed British values at Pedmore High School and should be seen as an indication of our approach rather than an exhaustive list.
Pedmore High School students have a voice. That voice is heard through regular meetings with Mrs Woods. The importance of parliamentary democracy is demonstrated in publicly held elections to mirror society and include nominations, canvassing and voting. Students are also involved in the recruitment process for some members of staff.
Student voice through questionnaires and interviews are also conducted throughout the year.
Upholding the Law
Pedmore consistently reinforces the importance of laws and rules, whether they govern a class, the school or the country. Laws and rules are also reinforced through year assemblies. Students also follow the Pedmore Standards. Students are taught the values of laws and rules, the reasons behind them and the consequences that apply when they are broken. The school has links with the Fire Service and the Police and both are regular visitors during PSHE.
We believe that clear explanations and real life stories emphasise the importance of the rule of law for our students.
Tolerance of Others
Pedmore is situated in an area which is culturally diverse, therefore we place a great emphasis on promoting diversity with our students. The various churches and faith groups that call Britain home are all a key part of the RE curriculum. We strive to improve our students’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity in school. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying are supported by learning in RE and PSHE.
Individual Liberty
Students are actively encouraged to think about and make good and right choices in their daily lives in and out of school. We provide students with a safe and secure environment that supports them in making the right choices via a balanced curriculum. Students are encouraged get involved in a variety of extra-curricular and community activities. Students and staff work together for charitable causes throughout the year, students get involved by baking and selling their cakes.
Students are encouraged to participate in leadership opportunities that not only develop their skills but could potentially impact on a large number of students – For example, we have a Coaching, Help, Advice Team (CHAT), we have a group of year 7 and 9 Buddies, We have Prefects in year 11, Sports and Language Leaders across the school. Pedmore students accept personal and social responsibility in many ways.
Mutual respect
Respect is at the core of our school ethos and is modelled by students and staff alike. The school promotes respect for others and this is reiterated through our classroom and learning environments.
This is also evident when walking around Pedmore.